Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Alright it is almost noon and I have told myself I have to post. I have promised myself to post everyday to keep accountable. I moved to where I live over a year ago but have not made that many friends and not friends who need to lose weight and can help me be accountable. SO blogland is it for me which really I am ok wtih my DH doesn't understand but then he is 13 years older then me :D I do feel a connection out there even if I have no followers right now. Again I am ok with this as I don't feel I need to prove anything and can be candid when it is just me. So I am still failing though not epically. It was just downhill last night with these nuts I bought at the festival this weekend. WHy do I sabatoge myself and those stupid things weren't cheap. Why I had to buy the largest size is beyond me and then lie to myself I will only eat them on my free day!

I am a total liar! GRRRR

So I am plugging in another day of a generic calorie count of 2000 calories. THe other issue is I am emotionally eating. I have to keep track of my TOM (Time of the Month) because this is totally a trigger for me to binge/emotionally eat. I am putting stupid stress on myself I don't need and I need to read that Geneen Roth book! But it goes back to being scared. But i am not giving up. This is just a bump in the road and I am going to do better. ONe day I will be closer to getting this and if I never do I have to accept trying to get it is acceptable. Does that make sense? So I allowed my misery (and really just being a drama queen though I do have some real issues going on mainly financial) to enable me to make bad choices. I am going to make myself read that book today and take a step closer to figureing out how I tick and make adjustments accordingly.

Does anyone else out there have these issues and if so how do you deal with TOM?

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