Thursday, April 22, 2010
Go Away You stinking Funk!
Page three of introduction, "Eating is a metaphor for the way we live; it is also a metaphor for the way we love. Excessive fantasizing, creating drama, the need to be in control, and wanting what is forbidden are behaviors that block us from finding joy in food or relationships. And some of the same guidlines that enable us to break free from compulsive behavior -- leraning to stay in the present, beginning to value ourselves now, giving the huntry child wihinus a voice trusting our physical and emotional hungers, and teaching ourselves to receive pleasure -- enable us to be intimate with another person."
Page four of introduction, "Diets don't work because food and weight are the syptoms not the problems." This is a money shot as so true. Isn't it sad how we know these things but it takes some third party person/book to make it hit home!
It then says. "The focus on weight provides a convenient and culturally reinforced distraction from the reasons why so many people use food when they are not hungry. These reasons are more complex than -- and will never be solved with -- willpower, counting calories, and excercise. They have to do with neglect, lack of trust, lack of love, sexual abuse, physical abuse, unexpressed rage, grief, being the object of discrimination protenction from getting hurt again. People abuse themselves with food because they dont' know they deserve better!" This sentence in red is another money shot and so true to me. I tell my friends who come to me for advice -- don't you want better! -- now why can't I do this for myself? Why is it always easier to defend and stick up for other people we care for and love but NOT ourselves???
Just a couple more as I haven't gotten that far in the book. Here is another sentence that feels so true from chapter 1 page 15. "Compulsion is despair on an emotional level." I get this and it clicks. I am an emtional eater because I despair and I feel this will fill that void BUT IT NEVER DOES! so the despair goes on.
So one more Money shot sentence for today on page 19 of chapter 1. "Compulsive behavior, at its most fundamental, is a lack of self-love; it is an expression of a belief that we are not good enough." Wow... this is all so true but now the struggle is to take it in and improve myself on it. I can say i get it and it clicks but I have to absorb it!
The thing I realized this morning after a rough night of dreams of someone in my past is I am lonely. I am either compulsively thinking of food or a situation from the past that I can't control and the continued guilt I feel from it. I know this is vague but this does go out over the airwaves so I have to be vague. BUt I also think everyone has these situations. And they haunt us. It makes me realize that even in a house full of people who do love me. I am lonely. I grew up lonely and I learned at a young age to think of myself as always lonely. How do I overcome this lonliness that is eating me alive on the inside and making me show it on the outside with my unhealthy eating habits? So I will leave it at that and let that be my question of the day.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
I am a total liar! GRRRR
So I am plugging in another day of a generic calorie count of 2000 calories. THe other issue is I am emotionally eating. I have to keep track of my TOM (Time of the Month) because this is totally a trigger for me to binge/emotionally eat. I am putting stupid stress on myself I don't need and I need to read that Geneen Roth book! But it goes back to being scared. But i am not giving up. This is just a bump in the road and I am going to do better. ONe day I will be closer to getting this and if I never do I have to accept trying to get it is acceptable. Does that make sense? So I allowed my misery (and really just being a drama queen though I do have some real issues going on mainly financial) to enable me to make bad choices. I am going to make myself read that book today and take a step closer to figureing out how I tick and make adjustments accordingly.
Does anyone else out there have these issues and if so how do you deal with TOM?
Monday, April 19, 2010
Epic Fail – day 7
My day was off from the beginning. Sundays is usually pancake breakfast for the boys (I have three nine, seven, and three). I had decided not to take part in it as it doesn’t fit into my BFL eating. I didn’t feel like researching a high protein pancake. The problem was we were out of instant pancake list so I got out our betty crocker cook book and the only thing easy in it was waffles. Man it was easy and they looked good so I decided I would have half of one (as the calories on it wasn’t too bad) and would use my protein powder to make a cream for syrup and a banana.
The upper left is the batter itself. The left is the protein shake with a little bit of soy milk, cinnamon, and vanilla. I think I should have left out the extra vanilla as the jay robb protein is tasty without the extra. Doesn't that waffle look yummy. And it really was!
This was also eaten later then 7 (which is if I stay on schedule I should eat first) it was closer to 8 or a little after. So when ten rolled around I felt I should save my calories since I had just eaten fairly recently. I think this is where it all started going down hill. I felt hungry sooner then my next eating time (after the usual 10 I skipped 12-1230 is next) so I had some tuna pickles and cherry tomatoes.
And then after going to the grocery store I felt hungry sooner then my usual time again. See a pattern here! grrr. So I ate again. Then we had a dinner planned at my parents house. I made a tex mex lasagna and everyone loved it. I loved it also but had way to big of a piece. The next issue was there is something about my parents house that makes me want to eat junk. I swear everything that lives in there gets fat. The people and the animals. My mom isn’t plump by any means but she does struggle from time to time. She is a thin emotional eater but she has better genetics then me I think. I take after my Dad I think genetically. So I had a PB bar then a sugar free pop (which is sodium and didn’t even taste good) then came home and had some candied nuts and chips. It was like an emotional downward spiral. And of course I didn’t feel like exercising plus I mismanaged time all day and procrastinate on school work that had to be done. *&#$@!$ I was and am not a happy camper. Plus the scale this morning reflected the salt and lack of water intake this am. But I know see the errors I made and all I can do is take them in mind for the future and move on and try again. I am an emotional food addict. Three days of being on track does not mean I am cured! I can never get cocky.
Has there been times when you thought you had overcome something emotionally just to find out you hadn’t?
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Day six
So far so good :D My stats for yesterday were…
The calories are 22 over what I have planned as allowable BUT I did burn approx. 183 calories with a vigorous weightlifting session. That now has my arms very sore! I finally read the rules/tips for body for life challenge. And it states you should do one day high intensity cardio and the next high intensity weights. And you should do different muscles groups for each work out day. Then take one day off all together. So yesterday I did arms. It says to do a rep of 12 go higher weight then 10 reps higher weight do 8 reps then more weight 6 reps then lower weight and do 12 again then follow up that 12 quickly with different weight style but using the same muscle group. that is called a superset. Right now I have a lot of time (I work part time) to do lengthy workouts but soon I am starting a full time job with varying hours so I am pretty sure to stay on track I will need short set workouts. And just concentrating on one muscle group is perfect.
I was under the 1587 mark but late in the night I was watching The Proposal and I was craving a Chai and it is 120 calories. So it was totally worth it – well in a way the part of my mind that wants to be super skinny and successful is nagging me I should have said no BUT the rational me that thinks it is silly I am not using the calories I probably should – says I shouldn’t worry and I am still on the right path. You need to enjoy life a little bit. So it is kind of a ying yang thing. :D
Lastly, I tried the Kombucha. Thankfully I am not a fan. It is too wine tasting without the sweetness. And it didn’t invigorate me. I still took a nap… but I am not sure if that was my body still feeling blah from all the calories the day before. At this point hard telling. I have another one and I will try it a different day. Plus it is carbonated and I have to take it easy with carbonation.
I leave you with this question. What do you obsess about that is a ying yang thing?
ps I didn’t realize it as I really wanted the camera but it turns out I got a blue one. So I super LOVE it now!! :D
Friday, April 16, 2010
Awesome day
and my first free day. Physically and emotionally I learned a lot! I just felt blah today in general but I still feel great in general which I think is the three days before that I ate great. But I could tell the add sugar and carbs my body hates. It made me either very energized (fast talking/babbling and racing thoughts) or slow and lethargic (feeling actually tired and needing an nap – haven’t even thought of a nap all week which is a huge difference for me and sometimes it seemed I talked slow. I think it was due to my blood sugar). It made me finally see the light… it’s like I get it my body doesn’t even WANT those foods. Just my mind. In fact I had to force my mind to tell it to choose some of the food I ate today. I told myself I promised me I would but now I realize how foolish that is. I think I was seeing my free day as an all you can eat day but really it isn’t or shouldn’t be. And I just don’t like feeling this blah. So I am going to rethink my free rules.
It was an awesome day as we took a family mini trip to the next larger town from us (It is an hour and half away) that has more then a walmart. I bought some Kombucha that my new favorite blogger recommended but I didn’t realize it was so pricey. I bought two because I am curious BUT I am thinking I should be very happy there is not a store close to me due to the price. I will give a review tomorrow.
Also while there I picked up a box of Clif Builders (at sam’s club) as it was a great price and though they weren’t the chocolate mint I had the other day I figured they would still taste awesome. And though this blog is my health diary and I plan on making it only that I wanted to say how excited I was to get a deal on a new camera. I have a nice one but it it too bulky to carry around and I wanted to be able to take pictures easier for the blog.
And this is not a brag but a I LOVE a great deal after savings and my coupon it was only 44.00 with tax!! Crazy! I am excited to use it. I wanted it in another color but at staples it was sold out online (I think this is the old model) and it was the last one at the store so I feel lucky to have even gotten at all.
Another reason today was awesome is we went and say this movie
It is now my favorite animated movie. It use to be The Incredibles at the top then Aladdian (It was my favorite as a child) then Shrek original. The story is old hat and predictable but for some reason the way it was told it felt new and heartfelt. And I have a thing for dragons so that helped. Night Fury (the type of dragon in the picture above) is my favorite. Go check it out! But don’t be cheap like us and see the 2d. We should have spent the money and seen it in 3d. My hubby and I have decided we will need to conform and bite the bullet for the next movie we see that offers 3D. It just chaps me that they charge so much more but I guess it is extra work so what are you going to do? (ok off soapbox lol)
Lastly, I want to share another blog that I read today that had a guest interview. The interviewee was asked ….
“Me: Yeah. I think really believing you can do it is key. Gaining lost weight back is pretty common. Do you ever fear slipping back into your old ways of eating/living?
Bo: No. There is nothing out there to eat that is better than weighing what you want to.”
Oh snap! When I read that today it sent chills up my arms. It totally truck a raw nerve and was an ah ha moment. This is the perfect perspective and I hope to keep Bo’s sentiment fresh in my mind every day. Please check the blog for the full interview (Bo lost a 100 pounds) and the blog in general. Keelie is very inspirational. And the pictures of her journey are phenomenal. I hope to be able to show those kinds of results very soon.
Tomorrow should be another awesome family fun filled day (the annual festival is this weekend). I noticed they are having a 5k which I have always wanted to do but I am not there yet. I do have a new goal though. To be in shape enough to be actual competition next year. Gotta love goals! :D
Do any of you have a current fitness goal or do you remember the first time you did and the victory you felt?
What is your favorite animated movie?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Pure Embarrassment!
Day four: My Stats were Cals 1443 Fat 43 g Sodium 2801 mg Carbs166g Sugars 79 g Fiber 23g Protein 94 g
I only did a half hour of weightlifting focusing more on my legs today. Per I burned 137 calories . I started to do a high intensity interval cardio on the treadmill at the gym. I was going pretty fast for me and my pants started to fall down. I was barely in a minute or two. So here I was trying to run fast, not fall and majorly hurt myself, and keep my pants up. I then thought my pants aren’t falling down but my underwear I can live with that. I thought the top band was tighter then the hips area of the pants. So I kept telling myself (mind you these was all seconds) to ignore the sensation as it has to be my underwear only. But then the other part of my brain was saying “Don’t be a fool!! Your pants are falling” Well that part was so right. My pants feel down and I was starting to expose my ugly low hanging belly and my dimply rear for the cameras at the very least but who knows who else I was too scared to look back and see who might have been laughing at me! I went until five minutes and just couldn’t handle the thought anymore. I just needed to call it a day. I don’t think I am mortified but I am embarrassed enough that I just couldn’t focus. bluck and at the same time lmfao!
So three days down where I feel proud and on track. I even wanted Doritos last night and I said no to myself and stuck to it. I still want some now. I was my favorite late night snack. I usually crave salt at night instead of sweet which is my usual any other time crave. It makes me wonder the psychological side of that. Hmmmm… I might have to research that.
Tomorrow is my free day. I already have a few things planned for fun. On the first two days I kept dreaming and fantasizing about what all I was going to eat on my free day. But today… maybe realizing it was so close and I didn’t have to wait long… it was easier and I keep telling myself. “Really do I need all that crammed into one day!” Who has the time and really if I am not wanting or craving why go out of my way to make myself eat/drink it. I do know for breakfast I am having a mcd’s sausage mcmuffin and a carmal frappe. At first I daydreamed of my lunch but I am going to take a fairly light lunch. Those awesome doritos I ahve been wanting at night with some salsa and a light pretzel pread sandwich. yummmm! I can’t wait. :D
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Day Three
So here is my food break down for the day.
My work out for burned calories are just a guestimate and I try to be conservative so I am sure it really is more was…
- Weight Lifting - free weights or machine, moderate -- upper body and abdominals
- 30 minutes 137 calories Treadmill -- twenty minutes at different inclines up to 18% and a base speed of 3.8 215 calories
- Stair climbing -- 10 minutes going backwards & 10 minutes frontwards going to level 10 (not sure the level thing) 137 calories
- Totals 489
So that adds an extra 489 calories that can be consumed. I am wanting to stay at or below 1582 a day (this is the number picked by the website I am using to keep track of calories) I did go over the 1582 today but I actually have 213 left if I wanted with the exercise. I don’t want to use up the exercise calories every day but if I do once or twice a week I am fine with that. I am trying to find a happy medium so this eating style doesn’t seem so hopeless or restrictive.
I have a real problem saying no to food especially in public places. Today my middle son (I have three boys and no girls) had a school function and they had cookies and this chocolate/PB chex mix goodness. I had a cookie and a handful of the chex mix and in hindsight I could have forgone it all. It really didn’t taste all that heavenly. But I had real problems saying completely no too. And I tried that is the sad part. I need to read some more of that book to figure out why or how to control it. Plenty of people could have looked at that food and just said no thank you! but not me. :( Grrrr! But it was just a small thing in the big picture so more for reflection then being critical. And I do want some flexibility BUT where is the line in all that. I really need to figure that all out.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
End of day two
And it went much better. I decided to track my calories, carbs, protein and such. Here is the stats:
Calories 1445
Fat 37g
Sodium 2745g (they had this as being a problem as I went over per the website but I don’t know what to do to help it besides everything homemade and well it just can’t happen right now)
Carbs 159g
sugars 73g (also high per the website and not sure how to help that.
fiber 22g
protein 126g (definitely high protein diet which I want but there is something as too much protein??)
Right now I am having a cappuccino shake with Jay Rob protein
This protein is the flippin best EVER and I have tried all kinds. I drink it with soy milk as protein and water I can’t do. But light soy milk is only 50 calories for 8oz awesome and I think it has more health value then cow’s milk… though I am not against cows milk as I can’t do it in my latte’s I make. But I figure if I can cut calories I might as well.
I also had one of these today and it was AMAZING and 20 grams protein so bonus.
This one was chocolate mint which I Love that flavor. I am so getting more of these!
And the other item I had that I was skeptical of and ended up loving was this…
I had the herb and garlic and my local walmart also has hickory smoked and sweet, tomato pesto, and hickory smoked. I plan on getting more when I go back this weekend. I even want to get some low carb tortillas for wraps those would be AWESOME!
Fitness wise I did 45 minutes of weight lighting doing (what I think was) supersets. I would do them in groups of two like two arms and would alternate 12 reps each. Then take a mini break to drink water and wipe machine. Then I did 20 minutes cardio 3.8 for a bit with 18% incline. I didn’t do it as long as usual just to a third of a mile and usually I do half a mile at that pace incline but sometimes you have to give yourself a break. :D
So a great day :D the issue I am having is I keep obsessing over what I am going to have my cheat day. I have decided to do a six meal/snack schedule a day watching calories and carb/protein intake and one cheat day per week. It is my version of the fit for life (or maybe it is fit for life I am still researching) I want to get a way from food obsession but maybe first i need to just get into a food routine then the rest will be easier. I am hoping. And here are the pictures of the books I am going to read to also help with my head and eating obsession/compulsion.
First I am reading this one. I have already highlighted some great snippets and plan to share when I get more into it.
And this one I plan on reading next.
It is the authors latest and she will be on Oprah soon. I think at the beginning of May. She has some rules you have to follow to be free of food obsession and I will post those too another day. I am still trying to incorporate them. :D
So the first day was an ok day. I am happy to have recovered and stayed way on track today! Let us pray for tomorrow too. :D
** this was edited as I realized once I portioned out what was leftover from the tuna pouch that I ate more then I thought. So it added oh and I had some more tomatoes after I posted. I love cherry tomatoes and really they are good for you so worth the calories I think :D Made my late night cravings fairly guilt free. THough still annoyed I even get them!
Day 1
Sorry couldn't upload images stupid blogger! GRRR !
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Thinking of all that I just realized I am so full of FEAR!

Wow writing this I honestly just had a break through... and I think that is my number one issue.
I am fearful of ...
- Failing
- succeeding
- of actually have a thin figure (I don't know what thin is like)
- of the scale
- of reading my old live journal I had when I was at the hardest part of GBS
- of my binges
- of looking in the mirror to eat (hope to explain one day)
I think the list can go one but the first two are the biggest issues. How does one stay content and on track sitting in between two polar opposites? I think that is the question of the day!