Thursday, May 6, 2010

Totally MIA!

And I promised myself not go MIA on this blog. Alas a horrible flu totally sidelined me. Amazingly I have lost about ten pounds. It helped me to not eat as much at a setting. SO I feel my stomach shrunk. WIN! :D

though I am not following the BFL eating I am so surprised I WANT to eat like that. I think my cells like it. If that makes sense.  In fact today is the first day I have felt pretty darn good except for a periodic cough. Amazingly as i sit here I want to go to the gym and I think I will. I will regret not I think. Another thing that has sidetracked me is I started a new full time job and I wasn’t sure how the lunches and schedule goes there. It is weird as you don’t get a step away from work lunch. (It is a supervised boys home) And you can eat the food prepared there for free. The issue sit he food it more cheap then healthy. So I have only been there two days so I am trying to decide how to handle the food and the times. It is not required to eat but it so convenient!

I am still so amaze my body is craving exercise. How awesome is that! :D The Saturday before I got sick I ran across this book for only 8.00 and had to get it!

Body for Life by Bill Phillips: Book Cover

It has a different cover so might be an older version but the info I am sure is the same as the program needs no perfecting. I was so excited to find it locally AND for the price! I then called called to the hospital to be an advocate for a domestic violence victim. I firmly believe this is where I got that stupid flu! That and I jinxed myself thinking a few days before… gee I haven’t been sick in awhile.!  Duh never do that!  I am thankful though I got it before starting my new job. You can’t take days off with a new job for sure!

Another awesoem thing happened today that should help me get back on track. I won the book

This Is Why You're Fat (and How to Get Thin Forever) by Jackie Warner: Book Cover

In a random comment drawing on Janeatha's Blog I won this book.  Here was my comment and what she said about it. So cute and funny!

**********************************************************“this is too crazy. i looked at #122.. and look what her comment said! meant to be? i think so.”


Anyway kind of funny fate stuff. I really felt i was going to win the book and thankfully she didn’t make you do a lot of hoops to win it. I always appreciate people taking time to reward followers but it gets ridiculous for simple stuff when you get a point for following then one for commenting then following facebook. Anyway it has to be really worth it for me to do it. Sorry to be negative but I had to do a mini vent there lol Can’t wait to get this book for reals! :D

Oh and this is just a side note. My hubby and me watched Crazy Heart this morning. It is an awesome movie with a very realistic ending which made it even better BUT I do prefer the happiest of endings but the movie isn’t a romantic comedy so the ending was perfect. Sorry if vague but if you see it—it will make more sense. :D

Question of the day… What was the last awesome movie you watched?